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Almot Wala Alamazala

Naïssam Jalal & Rhythms of Resistance

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4th best-selling jazz album in France when it was released in 2016, more than 4000 copies sold, « Coup de Cœur 2017 » from the Académie Charles Cros, « 4 f » Télérama, « 4* » Jazz Mag, « Essential » Jazz News, for the album « Almot Wala Almazala », « Revelation band 2017 » from Citizen Jazz with the quintet Rhythms of Resistance.


« An admirable and magnificent album » – Jazz Mag ****



« Nimbed with mystery and poetry, Almot wala Almazala is a record of athmospheres and emotions, carried by an unprecedented lyricism » – Télérama ffff


« Her music is a claim without self-pity. It just carries in it the rage that animates our human condition with, for aspiration, the freedom ».
– Liberation


« Inhabited by a spiritual depth and a captivating intensity, Almot wala Almazala draws a lively fluid course of fire and spirit. Deeply moving! » – Jazz News


« Naïssam Jalal, angry, bruised, stunned, horrified or focused on the memory of a culture now devastated, her music appears as a direct projection of her soul, a vivid painting of the feelings that animate her. » – Les inrocks


« Rooted in the oriental tradition, Naïssam Jalal evolves freely in the interstices of jazz and improvised music, with the precision of a demanding personality in everything. Her music is instrumental but her speech is clear. – Kalakuta


« A music within the reach of all living souls, of all ears listening to the world ». – The Mountain

November 2016 - Les Couleurs Du Son